![]() Good Morning P90X-ers! I am sure excited about this class. I wanted to tell you a little about me and P90X. I am the mother of 3 sons aged 11, 13, and 15! They are my pride and joy. I love to hear them laugh! As a young person, I had a huge interested in team sports. I played soccer and softball from the ages of 6 and 7 years old and added basketball, volleyball and swimming when I reached high school age. I also like to sing. Other hobbies include cross stitch and I plan to start knitting soon. It became evident that my full-time teaching position as a physical education teacher was taking a toll on my life as a mother. It was during that time that I began a 12 DVD workout called P90X. I didn't have a lot of time, but I wanted to give it a try! I started to do just 30 minutes a day on the calendar that accompanies P90X and I began to see results immediately. And . . . I remember my first week very well. I was sore . . . very sore! My elementary students started to notice my results! So, I started to implement P90X Plyometrics and KenpoX into my daily P.E. regimen with my students. I realized that i could help other P.E. teachers, and I decided to join a marketing team for the company that produces P90X (Beachbody), and come home. Since then, I became P90X certified and started to teach adults what I had learned. I currently teach 10 sessions a quarter which includes 2 sessions at a corporate building in Santa Clara. Teaching adults this amazing workout series is a joy and pleasure. The Adult Community Education at Fremont is absolutely stellar and continues to accommodate the different needs of this workout series. They have installed bands for our pull-up bars, a weight rack and mirrors! And, little by little the ACE fitness studio is shaping up. It's you and I that provide the spirit to the workouts. Tony Horton is a very nonthreatening personality on DVD. In our live classes, I strive to provide the same nonthreatening feel to our live and virtual classes. You will find that I am very human. . . . especially at 6 a.m. in the morning. I am sometimes swift and quick, and other days searching for my cue cards. If you will just show up, little by little, you will see change. It comes with the P90X territory. I am thrilled to see you and how your body is going to transform. And . . . by the way, all of my students have not seen results. Everyone sees results! Sometimes its weight loss/gain, inches lost, improved muscle tone, changed weight distribution over the body or improved self esteem and improved confidence. If there is one thing that I have realized, its keeping a journal of change is critical . .. (as mentioned)! Take those pictures! Homework: *Virtual Class: Get your DVD ready. Tomorrow is Chest and Back. Decide when and where you will workout! * Live Class: Take your measurements including weight, write down and bring to class. Tiffany Anderson P90X Certified Personal Trainer P90X Live and Virtual Group Instructor: Fremont Union School District ACE http://www.coachtiffanyanderson.com 408-482-7730 ![]() Good Morning! I am so excited! Yipppeeee! Here we go! It's P90X time . . . and this is the moment when you will document your body as of today, and say good bye to any goop hiding on it! This is the moment of clarity when we snap a picture in time to remember where it all begin. Jan. 19, 2013. Bikini body, here we come . . . . (or board shorts body, or Capri body or whatever you wear in the spring)! I am on the marketing team for P90X's parent company, Beachbody.
That status gives me access to Beachbody trainer tips, and the Tony Horton trainer tips. The video linked tips will take 5 - 10 seconds to load, and in some places feel a little "salesly." The "salesly" part just comes with the territory of using Beachbody created stuff. I review every tip that is posted and do my best to choose links with appropriate content. And so . . . with that stated: View and take the content from the video. These photos are for you. Don't be concerned with posting to a Beachbody account (as mentioned in the video), unless you have an account and feel comfortable doing so. Here is a link to help you with your before pictures: http://www.teambeachbody.com/showcase/-/bcp/85185579001/33938?referringRepId=33938 On the first day of our live class, we will be completing the fitness evaluation. Part of the fitness evaluation is taking measurements. Watching this link will help you know what to expect and how to take your measurements whether at home or in class. BTW: I won't be measuring with a fat calipher . . . . they are a little intimidating and not very accurate. http://www.teambeachbody.com/showcase/-/bcp/85189103001/33938?referringRepId=33938 Homework: * Take your before pictures * Take your measurements. * Hug someone you love! A note: Live class participants do not need a copy of the P90X DVD's (unless you are trying to supplement at home). We do everything live. Virtual class participants need a copy of the P90X DVD's for their at home workouts.
My name is Tiffany Anderson and I am thrilled to welcome both new P90X-ers
and returning P90X-ers to our Quarter 3 P90X classes! Tonight, I am sending a personal video that I have prepared for you! Which brings me to some exciting news. We are starting virtual classes that coincide with the live classes. Everyday, I will be sending a tip by email. Our virtual students need to reply, "I brought it," or "I finished" in the subject bar of their email After finishing their workout! Don't forget! P90X is not only a full-body strength training and fitness class, but also a class on nutrition. I recommend Shakeology for all participants as the nutrition meal supplement tool. Live class participants will receive short lessons on the 3 phases of P90X nutrition in class. I will do my best to video those short lessons for the virtual students. And finally, attached is the workout schedule for both the live and the virtual P90X-ers! When you join a P90X class, you have joined our P90X family. Although each of us is at our own personal fitness level, you will find that as we sweat together, we also grow together. The class motto is "do your best and forget the rest." and we "bring it" to every workout. Every fitness level is welcome, and we modify to fit the needs of both our newest, and most the experienced athletes. Don't worry what you look like, just get to the workout! Homework: * watch YouTube Video * take a look at your scheduled workouts |
AuthorHi! It's Tiff here! Always an adventure with me! I can't wait to tell you all about it! Archives
August 2015